2021 Indianapolis Roscoe Turner IPMS Show – 1/72 Scale Models

Yesterday marked the first IPMS show I was able to attend since the beginning of lockdowns.  Ironically the last show I attended was also hosted by the Indianapolis IPMS chapter over thirteen months ago.  The club moved the contest site to the Boone County Fairgrounds in Lebanon, Indiana.  The new venue provided ample space to spread out and increase the size of the contest and vendors’ areas and still provide for wide isles.  There was considerable pent-up demand, this was Indy IPMS’ biggest show on record with 119 vendor tables and 904 contest entries!  Everybody was happy to get out and had a great time.  Several categories were just overwhelmed, single engined aircraft in 1/72 and 1/48 scale each had over three dozen entries!  It was great to catch up with everyone and it was a fine day out!  This is just a sampling of what was on the tables.

Additional photographs here: https://imodeler.com/2021/04/2021-indianapolis-roscoe-turner-ipms-show/

World famous podcasters Mike & Dave from Plastic Model Mojo recorded their episode 36 from the event, their new show will drop Friday.  All Plastic Model Mojo podcasts available here:  https://www.plasticmodelmojo.com/


Mike (R) & Dave (L) from Plastic Model Mojo